Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Afghan Whigs - Up In It (1990)

In many ways this album (their second) is definitely a release of its time. It’s kinda grungy (Sub Pop release after all). Lyrical content that some may find questionable nowadays. Lots of loud wah guitar, and there’s a certain “bloozy” swagger on some of these tracks that never really stuck around with underground rock much past this era. But the album still sounds good! It’s loud and it’s passionate and it’s inspired and it’s rockin’. Greg Dulli is already in great voice, singing and yelling in fully-possessed mode. And while it’s not nearly as good or polished as their later records (esp. Black Love and Gentlemen), the Whigs for the most part had their basic vision down by this point. It’s some dark, intense and soulful rock’n’roll. The last few songs on this version are actually bonus tracks originally from their first record, very Replacements-influenced but still worth a listen.


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