Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bloodrock - Bloodrock 2 (1970)

Oh man, Bloodrock is one of the best band names ever. With a band name and album cover like that, how could you go wrong?'s not bad. A little heavy on the typical histrionic, vibrato-laden rock dude vocals of the day. For being what passed for hard rock at the time, though, I wish this stuff was heavier. It often just sounds like a less-good Grand Funk Railroad. And that's good enough, I guess. "D.O.A." is all-time, though. An 8 minute dirge sung from the point of view of a corpse, complete with tasteless ambulance sound effects. Even the worst album on earth would get a five star rating from me if it had this song on it. Wikipedia states that this album received gold certification from the RIAA in 1990. I can dig that.

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